I made a house call today to the home of one of my biggest sculpture collectors (thank you Cheryl) to spruce up one of my dog junk sculptures. He was a bit crusty from being in the sprinkler often, while doing his job of greeting guests outside the front door. A little wire brushing and a new coat of spar varnish and he was looking like a young pup again. I called him "Beamer," when I made him, because he was cut out of an old I-Beam with an Acetylene Torch. The ball is steel, the nose is a trailer hitch and the butterfly on his spring tail was cut from a stainless steel shelf. The ears are an antique hinge. It was fun seeing him again. He shares yard duty with several other pieces of my sculpture.


"Garden Lady". Old lawn mower and other parts.

John "Hoppin Good Listin". (hoppin' on one leg and listin' to the side) one legged, left handed guitar picker. All antique parts.

Weathervane made with antiques that were important to the collector.