The Guitar: I just built this three string, slide, fretless guitar a few months ago. However I used repurposed and history laden stuff for it's construction.
The box is an old wine box that was distressed and cut down to size. The corrugated sheet metal top was cut from a piece of barn that was blown on to the property by a tornado on May 5, 1995. It has been laying in a ravine ever since. It has rusted and been used for target practice. I picked a pattern of bullet holes that seemed to be in the right places for the sound holes and painted a bleeding heart around them. The neck is a piece of oak that was reclaimed from a church pew. (Think of the stories it could tell).
The Bloody Jug Band sticker is courtesy of our favorite jug band and John Thiesen, who have been great supporters of all the Face Jug potters here and on Ebay. Thank You John and BJB.
It sounds pretty cool. Imagine if you smacked an old sheet metal barn with a sock filled with nickels. That would be pretty close to the sound this guitar makes. It's great for the blues